Zeppeli Craft Brewery proizvodi samo naj kvalitetnija hrvatska craft piva. Odmakom od komercijalnog piva, posebnim okusima želimo zainteresirati ljude koji do sada nisu pili pivo, s naglaskom na žene.
— BEER —
Golden Ale
Alc. Vol.: 5,1 %
BEER: Refreshing bright ale, clean and full of flavor, mild malty aroma and pleasant hop bitterness.
CHARACTER: MERKATI are the lowest in the Zeppelin crew hierarchy that everyone kicks and ignores, but they are such a good team and enjoy the work they do regardless of the treatment they receive. No one controls them, they just love what they do and enjoy. Individuals are silly because they occasionally ingest Sodium Hydroxide, a brewery alkali
FOOD PAIRING: Due to its drinkability, MERKAT will suit all types of dishes, beer that quenches thirst and asks for more! It will blend nicely with light foods, and soften strong foods with mild malty notes and finish with freshness.
American Amber Ale
Alc. Vol.: 4,8 %
BEER: Amber ale balanced between the bitterness of American hops and the sweetness of four types of malt. Refined fruit aromas and flavors.
CHARACTER: A wicked dude, but timid at heart, wants to be wicked, but everyone makes fun of him because he is PINK. She keeps the shrimp she should eat as pets in the aquarium, and gives herself E161g (canthaxanthin) injections to keep it pink. On Zeppelin, he works as a scout balancing on one long leg while holding binoculars with his wing and watching. That balance shows his safety and danger at the same time, just what beer is, bitter and sweet.
FOOD PAIRING: FLAMINGO will match with stronger food that it will "pull out" with bitterness, while with fruit desserts it will blend nicely with caramel and sweet notes.
Alc. Vol.: 6,5 %
BEER: Mix types of special malts give this full-bodied beer a chocolate-coffee complexity with hints of dried fruit in taste and aroma.
CHARACTER: RA-KOON - one of the protectors on Zeppelin, and personal bodyguard of the main character Zeppelin. Lately, the mill at the station has been broken and in order to brew beer, the malt must be ground, that's where it jumps in because it's so good that it cuts small grains of malt with a katana to brew beer! Since it can’t be controlled when it starts waving the katana it slices more types of malt and that’s why beer is more complex, essentially since the mill isn’t working the beer is better, which is why they delay repair!
FOOD PAIRING: RA-KOON goes well with strong spicy dishes, grill and hotness suit it, and it would go perfectly with chocolate desserts.
Alc. Vol.: 5,0 %
BEER: A refreshing and long-lasting beer with a full body of fruity aromas, banana and clove flavor prevails.
CHARACTER: The monkey, one of Zeppelin’s deputy pilots, is essentially a crazy character because he collects wheat malt while driving while hanging on a hop “vine” from Zeppelin. Although Zeppelin’s autopilot is torn he leaves Zeppelin unattended to accumulate enough wheat in flight for the next round of beer, he just can’t stand it when they fly over wheat fields. During that time, everyone freezes in fear because they have no control over Zeppelin, while it doesn't really touch him.
FOOD PAIRING: MARMUN goes great with milder dishes that pull on the sweet side, but due to the mild dose of acidity of wheat malt, it can also go with salads.
Alc. Vol.: 4,5 %
BEER: Our first lager beer, extremely drinkable, with pleasant aromas and flavors obtained from the Czech noble Saaz hops.
CHARACTER: From the deep cellars on Zeppelin crawled PILSSS, a snake-like cyborg crossed with a snake and the industrial equipment of the brewery and Zeppelin! Keeper of the lying rooms where our camps are kept!
FOOD PAIRING: With its exceptional drinkability, it goes with all dishes, especially on summer days and with grilled dishes!
IPA (Indian Pale Ale)
Alc. Vol.: 6,0 %
BEER: Pleasant aromas of citrus fruits and pine permeate the taste and end with a pleasant but long-lasting hop bitterness.
CHARACTER: Our Tapir broke through the bitter forest 5 species of hops. The “bitterest” character in the entire beer series so far!
FOOD PAIRING: TAPIR with its freshness and bitterness goes with more complex dishes with stronger flavors, any fruit desserts and especially with those that contain citrus fruits.
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